
Joy makes the heart open and wide.

First of all, I would like to thank all those who have given me feedback and encouraged me to continue with the newsletter. The many kind and appreciative letters have done me a lot of good.

We have started into a new year. The pandemic has reared its head once again and we all hope that it is now over. A highly explosive situation has arisen in Ukraine. Nevertheless, the theme today is joy. We always need it, it is essential for survival.

A steady stream

Mostly one speaks of being glad on or about something. But I notice that there is also another level: joy in itself, without reason or cause. In such moments I have the feeling of having space in my life, I have wide space around me. Then joy no longer fluctuates in extremes, but becomes a steady stream.

A gift from the gods

Joy is like a life ring in the raging sea of life, it always keeps me afloat. Joy smiles through tears. Joy does not pretend, it goes its way unswervingly. Joy lets itself be felt by fellow human beings, it is never a gift for just one person, it is a gift to humanity. The gods must have seen that life can be arduous and therefore they gave joy to mankind. The joy and the laughter.


Even if nothing extraordinary happens on a day, it should have been pleasant enough to leave a warm, cozy feeling. This also has something to do with gratitude. Gratitude to be healthy and alert, gratitude to have opportunities in life, to be able to LIVE in addition to surviving.

Joy of small things

I find joy in the little things of everyday life: I am happy about a good meal, I have fun with a friend, I see the bread rising in the oven and I enjoy the smell of baking. Yes, life sometimes shakes and jolts us back and forth quite a bit. So it's all the more important to fix our gaze again on something fine, something small, something that warms the day and makes it soft and comfortable like a cozy scarf.

In the studio

I am practicing my origami skills and folding stars and other things. I'm also back at Helen Hiebert's paper studio for "the paper year”.

What gives you joy?

What do you need to be happy? How do you express your joy? I am looking forward to your suggestions by mail.

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